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Kai Neumann
from the Baltic Sea,
no cookies or other data grabbing,
(c) 2024,
ilsa ...
( -> German-Version )
Born 1970

Studied process engineering at the Bergedorf University of Applied Sciences, fascinated by the possibility of using technology to improve the world.

Key experience when a professor there explained that it is not the technologies but the "lawyers" and "business economists" who decide what happens in the world ...

... promptly changed to the study of applied cultural sciences at the University of Lüneburg to successfully combine natural sciences with economics, sociology, psychology and philosophy. Topics included logic and the complexity management of human vs. machine. During studies in the research group Cybernetic Enterprise Control developed the KNOW-WHY wave as an iconographic representation of an event horizon to illustrate the necessary duality of integration and development.

Worked in agriculture and forestry and also in various departments of a large company, from human resources to product development to production. Half year mechanical engineering internship.

Already started my own business with IT training and software development during my studies. A few clever database developments, including a revolutionary Enterprise Information System. Continued with training and education (including communication training, motivation, business start-up, negotiation management and leadership).

Since 1998 workshops on systems thinking and KNOW-WHY thinking. Development of own software "ilsa-SEB" for qualitative cause-effect modeling.

Networking with the international research project "Decision Support" and Franc Grimm with the joint spin-off of Consideo GmbH. Responsible for software development, today iMODELER. Previously projects on integration of SAP, OLAP/BI, Traveling Salesman, Theory of Constraint, Knowledge Management etc..

Facilitator and consultant with Consideo for numerous small and large clients on a wide range of topics from product development and team culture to strategy development and process optimization. Clients include banks, automotive, chemical industry, German Armed Forces, European Patent Office, and many more.

Lecturer at Lübeck University of Applied Sciences (Systems Thinking)
Book author, speaker, teacher in school projects.

Scientist on sustainability topics: Transformation, Renewable Energies, Mobility, Agriculture and Forestry, Resources, Climate Change, Welfare, Bioeconomy, Politics.... as well as Foresight and Artificial Intelligence.

Various international projects/appearances in Europe (e.g. for the EEA), USA (e.g. GWU) and Africa (ZEF).

I am networked via the Association for Psychological Science, Society of International Development, German as well as International Society for System Dynamics, as Elsevier Reviewer, brainGuide, CompetenceSite, etc..

Future: Good mix of consulting and research, workshops and international projects and meetings. Still some book topics, online courses and also some concepts for the iMODELER.
Kai Neumann