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Kai Neumann
from the Baltic Sea,
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(c) 2024,
Kai Neumann
from the Baltic Sea,
no cookies or other data grabbing,
(c) 2024,
ilsa ...
( -> German-Version )
The recent developments in the world, the many voters of a Donald Trump etc. contradict the idea that it is actually clear what a better world would look like: less suffering and oppression, health, resources also for future generations - or put differently: less injustice, wars, pollution and exploitation. And indeed, it's all interconnected - increasing wealth, exploitation, climate change, pollution, terror, wars, global economic relations, and so on.
With Consideo, since 2010, we have chosen projects with research questions that identify levers and obstacles on the way to a better world. We have found with the Integrated Assessment Model that politics, economy, individual people and the environment of these people, as well as the media are ultimately waiting to be supported by others in their change towards more sustainability.
The so-called lock-in effect.
The prerequisite for change is the emotional effectiveness of alternative behaviors - consumption gives us feelings of integration and further development, which we will not give up for rational reasons.* Therefore, for integration we need guiding principles, in front of which we can develop through sustainable behavior
behavior, which presupposes a comparability of sustainability
of sustainability, just as we nowadays measure the
the horsepower of our cars,
the square meters of our homes,
the screen width of our televisions,
the distance of our travel destinations, etc.
compare with others mostly unconsciously.
With the D3 model, we have created
different social milieus of
society, to see how
transformation could develop in Germany
Germany, how it could affect the economy and jobs
and jobs, on welfare and satisfaction,
on the use of raw materials, the environment
and climate protection. An
exponential change is therefore feasible and its
positive in its effects.
We have also researched how
the energy turnaround could take place
nationally and globally.
energy transition could take place,
whether we have enough raw materials,
what speed we need and
what the economic consequences are. Here, too, we have highlighted - now confirmed by Boston Consulting, etc. - the feasibility and economic benefits. Also confirmed by our models: battery-electric global mobility is feasible; all people could be fed by organic agriculture; an unconditional basic income could be not only feasible but alternative-free at a certain point; artificial intelligence is more likely to become a dystopia than a desirable utopia; developing countries should focus on a labor-intensive bioeconomy and less urbanization; a welfare measure needs to be marketed in the mainstream news; etc....
The KNOW-WHY Thinking just resonates in these projects, but is mostly too much development for the clients. In doing so, KNOW-WHY explains the inherent dynamic development of our cultures and thus enables us to initiate dynamics towards an alternative dynamic. Black sharks like Greta initiate potentials for a change that is already beginning on a small scale. If now the framework for a Crossing the Chasm and a Tipping Point is set, that politicians and companies in competitive altruism experience and enable feelings of integration and further development, then humanity has a real chance.
We can only become happier. The winners of the probable dystopias need not be the losers of the utopias. Conservative politics at present preserves globally particular interests and is only so progressive that the middles of the societies have the feeling to change already enough without having to really question the present integration - writes someone with a house, car and boat.
*Astonishingly, environmental psychology only looks at the good feelings of social togetherness and connectedness with nature or the marginal utility of material wealth, and refers to economic psychology for the question of giving up good feelings of having or even the reason for striving for them through consumption. In my eyes, we sustainability researchers are in an ivory tower - well educated, not poor, and comparatively self-reflective. When I take the train through suburbs or walk through pedestrian zones or even just see how SUVs are regularly moved in my neighborhood to fetch bread for no 2km, the publications on the part of environmental psychology are of little help to me. It's about time that I write the long announced psychology book with Susanne Bursch or at least publish an article in this - it's been in the drawer for a long time.
a better world